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Library API Blog

Efficient Social API Development with Singly

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Last week I announced that API Evangelist and Singly were partnering, and while I’m helping Singly with their API Evangelism strategy and they are providing me with some vital data on some of the most important APIs in the industry and how developers are using them--I’m fascinated by the Singly unified API model and how it can simplify developing apps that use social and personal data. As I do with any API, I sign up for an account, come up with an idea for a prototype, start hacking, then get to work telling the story of the process. To get started using Singly, I wanted to build a simply social data explorer that would help me understand how the platform works, but also give me a simple example for explaining to other developers. Before diving in, let me start with the basics. What is Singly? Singly is a unified API...

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Your Body Is an API: 9 Gadgets for Tracking Health and Fitness

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The quantified self: Its a lifestyle philosophy that says tracking ones own personal data -- calories burned, hours slept, miles run -- is the path to self-realization.All this data-tracking requires gadgets, and many innovative specimens were on display at CES 2012 last month.When it comes to your health, correcting bad behavior after periodic visits to the doctor is a step in the right direction.And its even more likely that youll make positive lifestyle adjustments based on, say, weekly visits to a personal trainer or daily weigh-ins on your bathroom scale.But turn yourself into a platform of analysis in the Internet of Things, and you’ve got real-time feedback loops to help keep you on target and alert you to problems.

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